Introduction of OSI Global Solutions at the SIL in Barcelona

Supply chain projects management with OSI

Simple and effective transport and logistics management solutions.

We have developed simple and effective solutions to optimise transport, providing resources and reducing time to market with our dedicated services.

To always have total control of the whereabouts of your production and distribution.

We aim to reduce unnecessary risks for businesses by providing full insurance coverage and complete traceability.

We achieve this through active communication and by giving your company complete visibility through access to our system from the consolidation of raw materials to the production or distribution of your products.

Our company OSI Global Supply Chain BV offers a long term agreement to design and implement supply chain solutions in Europe, Russia, The Balkans, CES Countries or Iran to deliver reliable and cost effective warehousing operations, transportation management and IT solutions designed for your business success.

Currently we provide transport and logistics solutions for the automotive, alimentary and textile industries, for more information contact: